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Christmas Party Poopers

07 December 2013

It's no secret - I love to sleep. Unfortunately, sleeping is difficult when a) you have a 15lb cat lying on top of you, plus a sick boyfriend cuddled into you, and it is a hundred degrees, and b) there is a 2-year-old's birthday party happening upstairs.

Situation A happened last night, situation B is currently happening. Situation C will be me falling asleep at work when I have to stay awake and take care of patients for 12 hours tonight. In other news, we are in the full swing of Christmas parties. I skipped the hospital Christmas party because Christmas shopping in the city seemed more important, however, I attended the nursing Christmas party on Wednesday night as well as Matt's work Christmas party last night.


I was home and changed into my pajamas by 9:30PM last night, mind you. Poor Matt is sick with a head cold and sore throat and as much as I love an opportunity to dress up, I was happier in my PJs last night.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get some sleep.

    Enjoy your holiday parties.

